In class 5 i was taught by ms. puxty , that abstract nouns were those which could not be touched, seen, smelt or tasted. Yet they existed. The examples we learnt of such words were pain, sorrow, beauty, joy, etc. And in these 7 years, of actually going through a very secure, yet by no means easy life, i can claim to have actually touched, seen smelt and tasted so many of these abstract concepts. Forget the dry n scientific definition for once. Forget about all these reality checks and worldly limitaions. Think of laughter. Surrounding you, every part of you. Dancing out of your eyes, out of your heart. there is nothing else to think of, and indeed nothing else to care about. just u and that odysey of laughter. A childish innocence in your eyes. And u enjoying it from all you senses?
Think of being in love. even if it a childish crush. It is still innocent. And it is pure. You feel it whole heartedly. And till it wears off, u r on an all time high. and when your heart is broken the pain is larger that the beauty of love itself. and then pain is as much a reality, as the fact that the grass is green and roses red. Coz the tears may blur the actual colour and form of what you see, but they shall never hope to blur the pain you are going through!
friendship , happiness, agony, love, glory, honour, and all these other abstract concepts are a much larger than the drab reality around us. Much larger than life anyway! the ‘concrete’ part of it. They are what make life what it is. This whole intangible dream we call life!