Reviewing a RomCom might actually be a strange idea. Atleast not something that I'd usually do. But this one movie seemed to affect me more than ur regular RomCom would. They're usually not movies that make u think. They just make u happy and leave it at that. However, this one movie, did touch me beyond. And i cant help wondering why.
Is it the way ideas were put forth? Is it about the colours and the dresses? about the larger than life Chris Egan ( though i must admit, that he did leave me open mouthed)? Is it because of Verona and its cultural beauty? the italian food and classic vineyards? Or is it simply because it was a story well told?
But as I sit down and think, its possibly about something bigger. It is the perfect amalgamation od the fairy talse sense of wonder i have towards 'happily ever afters' and a more pragmatic and mature idea of what I think would constitute that happily ever after. Its about the fairy tale, as well as reality, in ways very similar to how i see both. Its about what a girl wants, the place she wants to enjoy, her dreams, her individuality, as well as about how she wants to be treated. It is also about a man out of the movies, coming and beliving in her, loving who she is. It is about her trepidition, and her eventual courage to walk out of a relationship that was not making her happy, and about realising where her happiness did infact lie. Its also about the ultimate victory over the good over the not-so-good.
Anyone who's seen the movie would obviously realise taht the way I am writing about hte movie, ignores entirely a very essential portion of the movie. However, i ignore it here, because here, i am writng about what affects me... what has impacted me.
What has impacted me is the need for a 'right' ending. The need for my happily ever after. Not just a happily ever after where the prince carries me off on a white horse. But a happily ever after where i have the courage of my own convictions, can do what i want, be able to work towards my dreams AND meet my knight in shining armour, whom i can both love and appreciate and who can treat me the way i deserve to be treated.
ah..there i go again... wishing for a charmed life....